Friday, March 18, 2011

MTC Week 2

This week has gone by so much faster than last week. The first week, we were on a weird schedule and had to go to all these meetings to introduce us to misssionary work. This week we got on the schedule that we will be on the remainder of our MTC stay. The first 4 days in the MTC feel like and eternity. Even though I have only been here for 9 days or so, it feels like 2 months already. The first week was so slow, but now the days are flying past.
We got to go to the Provo Temple today. It was really nice. I enjoyed going there because it was my favorite when I was a kid. It is so much bigger than the Medford Temple, and compared to other temples it really isn't that big.
Elder Toala (Meu companheiro) and I have been getting the most mail in our whole district. Just the two of us have got more mail than the rest of our district combined. He is pulling ahead of me though, because he now has received two packages and I have only received one. He also has one or two letters more than me. So, everyone, let's see if we can beat Elder Toala for the most letters!
Our lessons have been really nice. We have been focusing on getting to know our investigators and teaching lessons through the spirit so we can direct the lessons to their needs. It's so awesome. This feels so good. It feels so much like the feelings I had during my farewell talk. Just loving people for who they are. The other day we did a role play and Elder Toala and I tossed out almost the whole lesson once we started teaching. It was awesome. We ended up just talking about Jesus Christ, His Atonement, and repentance.
Portugues is coming slowly, but it is coming. I realize that I will not be able to learn the language before I leave the MTC. I do not have the ability to do so. I have been praying to Heavenly Father to bless me with the Gift of Tongues. I can learn the language with His help. I know He will make my weakness with the language a strength as it says in Ether 12:12 I think.
There was an awesome devotional by Elder Holland you need to check out. He gave it at the MTC sometime in 2009 and it is awesome! I don't remember what it is called but see if you can find it. It is so awesome. You can't take notes fast enough when you listen to it.
Elder Toala says oi.
Elder Siemers

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