Saturday, April 14, 2012

1st Half of April

April 9 - Referrals

We have had a few trainings on how to ask for referrals. You can't just ask people. You have to do it in a certain way. So we have been trying that for the last couple weeks and we are getting quite a few referrals. Are area is a little small, so we have to work with referalls. Knocking on doors just does not work here. We received quite a few really good referrals last week so we have lots of people to teach this week.

Today is my 13th month mark on the mission. Craziness. Time is passing fast.

Easter was good. The tradition here is to eat chocolate. We ended up eating 3 times yesterday. The women of the ward just wont let us leave without eating a "little" something. We got home last night and started planning for pday. I asked Elder De Lima what he wanted to eat and he didnt even want to talk about food. We are being well taken care of.

Well, I think thats it for this week. Tchau!

Elder Siemers

April 2 – General Conference

General Conference was awesome. We even managed to arrange a ride so we could watch the Priesthood session, which starts at 9pm here. I started watching the conference in Portuguese but its just not quite the same when you see the Prophet and Apostles but their voices are different. So I went to the room with all the American missionaries to watch it in English. The transmission wasnt the greatest so we ended up having to switch between english and portuguese anyway. I cant wait to get my hands on the Ensign to reread the conference talks. Conference was excellent.

Things are going well. I will be staying here in Palmares with Elder De Lima. The other two missionaries in our house are also staying. This transfer is only 5 weeks, instead of the normal 6 weeks. Weve got some really good people to teach and we are working more with referrals, which is way better than knocking on doors.

I got a haircut today from a lady in the ward. I made cheater cookies for her as a thank you and they were a really big hit. Thats pretty much it for the week. I dont remember anything too crazy that happened. Tchau para vocĂȘs!

Elder Siemers

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