Monday, July 25, 2011

4 Months!

I've already been out 4 months. Crazy. My second transfer in the field is almost over. Pattern is gone. I can actually have a conversation with some people. Life is good.

Not a whole lot happened this last week. We had a crazy party at the church to celebrate something. I wasn't quite sure what, but it was fun! Festa de Junina. There was lots of good food and there was lots of people there. The bolo(cake) was especially good. The Young Women of the church think I am obsessed with cake for some reason. I might have just mentioned that its important for their salvation to make cake for the missionaries or something like that. I might have also let one of them take pictures off my camera of her birthday party with the price of one cake for each photo. She still hasnt made any yet... The other day we were teaching a lesson with Yasmin. She took us to a friend's house. At the end of the lesson Elder Davis asked, 'do you have any questions? Any doubts? Complaints?' I chimed in with, 'bolo?' Yasmin hit me on the leg, and the girls mom said she would make us cake next time. It was hilarious. I just said that I was joking and that they didnt need to make us cake. But, ya. I have no idea why the young women think I am obsessed with cake.

We are getting together with our District to head up to the Christ statue this afternoon. Transfers are next week, and we have a few missionaries who have been here for a while, so it will probably be a farewell party.

I hope everyone is doing well. Até mais. Tchau!

Elder Siemers

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